Project metadata¶
Project metadata is stored in a pyproject.toml
file located at the root of a project's tree and is based entirely on PEP 621.
Name (required)¶
The name of the project.
name = "your-app"
Version (required)¶
See the dedicated versioning section.
dynamic = ["version"]
path = "..."
version = "0.0.1"
A brief summary of the project.
description = '...'
The full description of the project.
The file extension must be .md
, .rst
, or .txt
readme = ""
The content-type
field must be set to text/markdown
, text/x-rst
, or text/plain
A charset
field may also be set to instruct which encoding to use for reading the file, defaulting to utf-8
readme = {"file" = "", "content-type" = "text/markdown"}
The content-type
field must be set to text/markdown
or text/x-rst
readme = {"text" = "...", "content-type" = "text/markdown"}
If this is defined as a file, then it will always be included in source distributions for consistent builds.
Python support¶
The Python version requirements of the project.
requires-python = ">=3.8"
For more information, see PEP 639.
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
license-files = { paths = ["LICENSE.txt"] }
license-files = { globs = ["LICENSES/*"] }
The people or organizations considered to be the authors
or maintainers
of the project. The exact meaning is open to interpretation; it may list the original or primary authors, current maintainers, or owners of the package. If the values are the same, prefer only the use of the authors
authors = [
{ name = "...", email = "..." },
maintainers = [
{ name = "...", email = "..." },
The keywords used to assist in the discovery of the project.
keywords = [
The trove classifiers that apply to the project.
classifiers = [
A table of URLs where the key is the URL label and the value is the URL itself.
Documentation = "..."
"Source code" = "..."
The format is based on PEP 631. See the dependency specification section for more information.
dependencies = [
option1 = [
option2 = [
Entry points¶
Entry points are a mechanism for the project to advertise components it provides to be discovered and used by other code.
cli-name = "pkg.subpkg:func"
gui-name = "pkg.subpkg:func"
plugin-name1 = "pkg.subpkg1"
plugin-name2 = "pkg.subpkg2:func"
Metadata options¶
Allowing direct references¶
By default, dependencies are not allowed to define direct references. To disable this check, set allow-direct-references
to true
allow-direct-references = true
allow-direct-references = true