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Environment plugins

See the documentation for environment configuration.

Known third-party

Life cycle

Whenever an environment is used, the following logic is performed:

Source code in hatch/cli/
def prepare_environment(self, environment):
    if not environment.exists():
        with self.status_waiting(f'Creating environment: {}'):

        if not environment.skip_install:
            if environment.pre_install_commands:
                with self.status_waiting('Running pre-installation commands'):
                    for process in environment.run_shell_commands(environment.pre_install_commands):
                        if process.returncode:
                            self.abort(f'Failed with exit code: {process.returncode}', code=process.returncode)

            if environment.dev_mode:
                with self.status_waiting('Installing project in development mode'):
                with self.status_waiting('Installing project'):

            if environment.post_install_commands:
                with self.status_waiting('Running post-installation commands'):
                    for process in environment.run_shell_commands(environment.post_install_commands):
                        if process.returncode:
                            self.abort(f'Failed with exit code: {process.returncode}', code=process.returncode)

    if not environment.dependencies_in_sync():
        with self.status_waiting('Syncing dependencies'):



This uses virtual environments backed by the standard virtualenv tool.


The environment plugin name is virtual.

type = "virtual"
type = "virtual"
Option Default Description
system-packages false Whether or not to give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages directory
python The version of Python to find on your system and subsequently use to create the environment, defaulting to the HATCH_PYTHON environment variable, followed by the Python executable Hatch is running on. For more information, see the documentation.
env:HATCH_ENV_TYPE_VIRTUAL_PATH An explicit path to the virtual environment

EnvironmentInterface (ABC)

Example usage:

from hatch.env.plugin.interface import EnvironmentInterface

class SpecialEnvironment(EnvironmentInterface):
    PLUGIN_NAME = 'special'
from hatchling.plugin import hookimpl

from .plugin import SpecialEnvironment

def hatch_register_environment():
    return SpecialEnvironment
Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
class EnvironmentInterface(ABC):
    Example usage:

    === ":octicons-file-code-16:"

        from hatch.env.plugin.interface import EnvironmentInterface

        class SpecialEnvironment(EnvironmentInterface):
            PLUGIN_NAME = 'special'

    === ":octicons-file-code-16:"

        from hatchling.plugin import hookimpl

        from .plugin import SpecialEnvironment

        def hatch_register_environment():
            return SpecialEnvironment

    PLUGIN_NAME = ''
    """The name used for selection."""

    def __init__(self, root, metadata, name, config, data_directory, platform, verbosity, app=None):
        self.__root = root
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.__name = name
        self.__config = config
        self.__data_directory = data_directory
        self.__platform = platform
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.__app = app

        self._system_python = None
        self._env_vars = None
        self._env_include = None
        self._env_exclude = None
        self._environment_dependencies_complex = None
        self._environment_dependencies = None
        self._dependencies_complex = None
        self._dependencies = None
        self._platforms = None
        self._skip_install = None
        self._dev_mode = None
        self._features = None
        self._description = None
        self._scripts = None
        self._pre_install_commands = None
        self._post_install_commands = None

    def app(self):
        An instance of [Application](
        if self.__app is None:
            from import Application

            self.__app = Application().get_safe_application()

        return self.__app

    def root(self):
        The root of the project tree as a path-like object.
        return self.__root

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of the environment.
        return self.__name

    def platform(self):
        An instance of [Platform](
        return self.__platform

    def data_directory(self):
        The [directory](../config/ reserved exclusively for this plugin as a path-like object.
        return self.__data_directory

    def config(self) -> dict:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"


        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

        return self.__config

    def system_python(self):
        if self._system_python is None:
            system_python = os.environ.get(AppEnvVars.PYTHON, sys.executable)
            if not isabs(system_python):
                system_python = self.platform.modules.shutil.which(system_python)

            self._system_python = system_python

        return self._system_python

    def env_vars(self) -> dict:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"


        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

        if self._env_vars is None:
            env_vars = self.config.get('env-vars', {})
            if not isinstance(env_vars, dict):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-vars` must be a mapping')

            for key, value in env_vars.items():
                if not isinstance(value, str):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f'Environment variable `{key}` of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-vars` must be a string'

            env_vars = env_vars.copy()
            env_vars[AppEnvVars.ENV_ACTIVE] =
            self._env_vars = env_vars

        return self._env_vars

    def env_include(self) -> list[str]:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            env-include = [...]

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            env-include = [...]
        if self._env_include is None:
            env_include = self.config.get('env-include', [])
            if not isinstance(env_include, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-include` must be an array')

            for i, pattern in enumerate(env_include, 1):
                if not isinstance(pattern, str):
                    raise TypeError(f'Pattern #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-include` must be a string')

            if env_include:
                self._env_include = ['HATCH_BUILD_*', *env_include]
                self._env_include = env_include

        return self._env_include

    def env_exclude(self) -> list[str]:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            env-exclude = [...]

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            env-exclude = [...]
        if self._env_exclude is None:
            env_exclude = self.config.get('env-exclude', [])
            if not isinstance(env_exclude, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-exclude` must be an array')

            for i, pattern in enumerate(env_exclude, 1):
                if not isinstance(pattern, str):
                    raise TypeError(f'Pattern #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.env-exclude` must be a string')

            self._env_exclude = env_exclude

        return self._env_exclude

    def environment_dependencies_complex(self):
        if self._environment_dependencies_complex is None:
            from packaging.requirements import InvalidRequirement, Requirement

            dependencies_complex = []
            for option in ('dependencies', 'extra-dependencies'):
                dependencies = self.config.get(option, [])
                if not isinstance(dependencies, list):
                    raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.{option}` must be an array')

                for i, entry in enumerate(dependencies, 1):
                    if not isinstance(entry, str):
                        raise TypeError(
                            f'Dependency #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.{option}` must be a string'

                    except InvalidRequirement as e:
                        raise ValueError(
                            f'Dependency #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.{option}` is invalid: {e}'

            self._environment_dependencies_complex = dependencies_complex

        return self._environment_dependencies_complex

    def environment_dependencies(self) -> list[str]:
        The list of all [environment dependencies](../config/
        if self._environment_dependencies is None:
            self._environment_dependencies = [str(dependency) for dependency in self.environment_dependencies_complex]

        return self._environment_dependencies

    def dependencies_complex(self):
        if self._dependencies_complex is None:
            dependencies_complex = list(self.environment_dependencies_complex)

            # Ensure these are checked last to speed up initial environment creation since
            # they will already be installed along with the project
            if not self.skip_install and self.dev_mode:

            self._dependencies_complex = dependencies_complex

        return self._dependencies_complex

    def dependencies(self) -> list[str]:
        The list of all [project dependencies](../config/ (if
        [installed](../config/ and in [dev mode](../config/ and
        [environment dependencies](../config/
        if self._dependencies is None:
            self._dependencies = [str(dependency) for dependency in self.dependencies_complex]

        return self._dependencies

    def platforms(self) -> list[str]:
        All names are stored as their lower-cased version.

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            platforms = [...]

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            platforms = [...]
        if self._platforms is None:
            platforms = self.config.get('platforms', [])
            if not isinstance(platforms, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.platforms` must be an array')

            for i, command in enumerate(platforms, 1):
                if not isinstance(command, str):
                    raise TypeError(f'Platform #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.platforms` must be a string')

            self._platforms = [platform.lower() for platform in platforms]

        return self._platforms

    def skip_install(self) -> bool:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            skip-install = ...

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            skip-install = ...
        if self._skip_install is None:
            skip_install = self.config.get('skip-install', False)
            if not isinstance(skip_install, bool):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.skip-install` must be a boolean')

            self._skip_install = skip_install

        return self._skip_install

    def dev_mode(self) -> bool:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            dev-mode = ...

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            dev-mode = ...
        if self._dev_mode is None:
            dev_mode = self.config.get('dev-mode', True)
            if not isinstance(dev_mode, bool):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.dev-mode` must be a boolean')

            self._dev_mode = dev_mode

        return self._dev_mode

    def features(self):
        if self._features is None:
            from hatchling.metadata.utils import normalize_project_name

            features = self.config.get('features', [])
            if not isinstance(features, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.features` must be an array of strings')

            all_features = set()
            for i, feature in enumerate(features, 1):
                if not isinstance(feature, str):
                    raise TypeError(f'Feature #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.features` must be a string')
                elif not feature:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Feature #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.features` cannot be an empty string'

                feature = normalize_project_name(feature)
                if feature not in self.metadata.core.optional_dependencies:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Feature `{feature}` of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.features` is not '
                        f'defined in field `project.optional-dependencies`'


            self._features = sorted(all_features)

        return self._features

    def description(self) -> str:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

            description = ...

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

            description = ...
        if self._description is None:
            description = self.config.get('description', '')
            if not isinstance(description, str):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.description` must be a string')

            self._description = description

        return self._description

    def scripts(self):
        if self._scripts is None:
            script_config = self.config.get('scripts', {})
            if not isinstance(script_config, dict):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.scripts` must be a table')

            config = {}

            for name, data in script_config.items():
                if ' ' in name:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Script name `{name}` in field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.scripts` must not contain spaces'

                commands = []

                if isinstance(data, str):
                elif isinstance(data, list):
                    for i, command in enumerate(data, 1):
                        if not isinstance(command, str):
                            raise TypeError(
                                f'Command #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.scripts.{name}` must be a string'

                    raise TypeError(
                        f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.scripts.{name}` must be a string or an array of strings'

                config[name] = commands

            seen = {}
            active = []
            for script_name, commands in config.items():
                commands[:] = expand_script_commands(, script_name, commands, config, seen, active)

            self._scripts = config

        return self._scripts

    def pre_install_commands(self):
        if self._pre_install_commands is None:
            pre_install_commands = self.config.get('pre-install-commands', [])
            if not isinstance(pre_install_commands, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.pre-install-commands` must be an array')

            for i, command in enumerate(pre_install_commands, 1):
                if not isinstance(command, str):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f'Command #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.pre-install-commands` must be a string'

            self._pre_install_commands = list(pre_install_commands)

        return self._pre_install_commands

    def post_install_commands(self):
        if self._post_install_commands is None:
            post_install_commands = self.config.get('post-install-commands', [])
            if not isinstance(post_install_commands, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.post-install-commands` must be an array')

            for i, command in enumerate(post_install_commands, 1):
                if not isinstance(command, str):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f'Command #{i} of field `tool.hatch.envs.{}.post-install-commands` must be a string'

            self._post_install_commands = list(post_install_commands)

        return self._post_install_commands

    def activate(self):
        A convenience method called when using the environment as a context manager:

        with environment:

    def deactivate(self):
        A convenience method called after using the environment as a context manager:

        with environment:

    def find(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should return information about how to locate the environment.

    def create(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should perform the necessary steps to set up the environment.

    def remove(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should perform the necessary steps to completely remove the environment from the system and will only
        be triggered manually by users with the [`env remove`](../cli/ or
        [`env prune`](../cli/ commands.

    def exists(self) -> bool:
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should indicate whether or not the environment has already been created.

    def install_project(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should install the project in the environment.

    def install_project_dev_mode(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should install the project in the environment such that the environment
        always reflects the current state of the project.

    def dependencies_in_sync(self) -> bool:
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should indicate whether or not the environment is compatible with the current

    def sync_dependencies(self):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This should install the
        in the environment.

    def build_environment(self, dependencies: list[str]):
        This should set up an isolated environment in which to [`build`](../cli/ the project
        given a set of dependencies and must be a context manager:

        with environment.build_environment([...]):

        The build environment should reflect any
        [environment variables](
        the user defined either currently or at the time of
        with self.get_env_vars():

    def get_build_process(self, build_environment, **kwargs):
        This will be called when the
        [build environment](
        is active:

        with environment.build_environment([...]) as build_environment:
            build_process = environment.get_build_process(build_environment, ...)

        This should return the standard library's
        with all output captured by `stdout`. The command is constructed by passing all keyword arguments to

        For an example, open the default implementation below:
        return self.platform.capture_process(self.construct_build_command(**kwargs))

    def enter_shell(self, name, path):
        Spawn a [shell](../config/ within the environment.

        The shell should reflect any
        [environment variables](
        the user defined either currently or at the time of
        with self.get_env_vars():

    def run_shell_commands(self, commands: list[str]):
        This should yield the standard library's
        for each command. Additionally, the commands must first be

        The command execution should reflect any
        [environment variables](
        the user defined either currently or at the time of

        For an example, open the default implementation below:
        with self.get_env_vars():
            for command in self.resolve_commands(commands):
                yield self.platform.run_command(command, shell=True)

    def resolve_commands(self, commands: list[str]):
        This expands each command into one or more commands based on any
        [scripts](../config/ that the user defined.
        Each expanded command is then
        for command in commands:
            expanded_commands = self.expand_command(command)

            for expanded_command in expanded_commands:
                yield self.finalize_command(expanded_command)

    def finalize_command(self, command: str):
        Called for every
        [resolved command](
        with the default behavior being equivalent to the standard library's
        return expandvars(command)

    def expand_command(self, command):
        possible_script, _, remaining = command.partition(' ')

        if possible_script in self.scripts:
            if remaining:
                for cmd in self.scripts[possible_script]:
                    yield f'{cmd} {remaining}'
                yield from self.scripts[possible_script]
            yield command

    def construct_build_command(
        This is the canonical way [`build`](../cli/ command options are translated to
        a subprocess command issued to [builders](
        command = ['python', '-u', '-m', 'hatchling', 'build', '--app']

        if directory:
            command.extend(('--directory', directory))

        if targets:
            for target in targets:
                command.extend(('--target', target))

        if hooks_only:

        if no_hooks:

        if clean:

        if clean_hooks_after:

        if clean_only:

        return command

    def construct_pip_install_command(self, args: list[str], verbosity=None):
        A convenience method for constructing a [`pip install`](
        command with the given verbosity. The default verbosity is set to one less than Hatch's verbosity.
        if verbosity is None:
            # Default to -1 verbosity
            verbosity = self.verbosity - 1

        command = ['python', '-u', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--disable-pip-version-check', '--no-python-version-warning']

        if verbosity < 0:
            command.append(f"-{'q' * abs(verbosity)}")
        elif verbosity > 0:
            command.append(f"-{'v' * abs(verbosity)}")


        return command

    def join_command_args(self, args: list[str]):
        This is used by the [`run`](../cli/ command to construct the root command string
        from the received arguments.
        return self.platform.join_command_args(args)

    def apply_features(self, requirement: str):
        A convenience method that applies any user defined [features](../config/
        to the given requirement.
        if self.features:
            features = ','.join(self.features)
            return f'{requirement}[{features}]'

        return requirement

    def check_compatibility(self):
        This raises an exception if the environment is not compatible with the user's setup.
        The default behavior checks for [platform compatibility](../config/
        and any method override should keep this check.
        if self.platforms and not in self.platforms:
            raise OSError('unsupported platform')

    def get_env_vars(self) -> EnvVars:
        Returns a mapping of environment variables that should be available to the environment. The object can
        be used as a context manager to temporarily apply the environment variables to the current process.

        !!! note
            The environment variable `HATCH_ENV_ACTIVE` will always be set to the name of the environment.
        return EnvVars(self.env_vars, self.env_include, self.env_exclude)

    def get_option_types() -> dict:
        Returns a mapping of supported options to their respective types so that they can be used by
        return {}

    def get_env_var_option(self, option: str) -> str:
        Returns the value of the upper-cased environment variable `HATCH_ENV_TYPE_<PLUGIN_NAME>_<option>`.
        return os.environ.get(f'{AppEnvVars.ENV_OPTION_PREFIX}{self.PLUGIN_NAME}_{option}'.upper(), '')

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):


The name used for selection.

app property readonly

An instance of Application.

config: dict property readonly


data_directory property readonly

The directory reserved exclusively for this plugin as a path-like object.

dependencies: list[str] property readonly

description: str property readonly

description = ...
description = ...

dev_mode: bool property readonly

dev-mode = ...
dev-mode = ...

env_exclude: list[str] property readonly

env-exclude = [...]
env-exclude = [...]

env_include: list[str] property readonly

env-include = [...]
env-include = [...]

env_vars: dict property readonly


environment_dependencies: list[str] property readonly

The list of all environment dependencies.

name: str property readonly

The name of the environment.

platform property readonly

An instance of Platform.

platforms: list[str] property readonly

All names are stored as their lower-cased version.

platforms = [...]
platforms = [...]

root property readonly

The root of the project tree as a path-like object.

skip_install: bool property readonly

skip-install = ...
skip-install = ...


A convenience method called when using the environment as a context manager:

with environment:
Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def activate(self):
    A convenience method called when using the environment as a context manager:

    with environment:

apply_features(self, requirement: str)

A convenience method that applies any user defined features to the given requirement.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def apply_features(self, requirement: str):
    A convenience method that applies any user defined [features](../config/
    to the given requirement.
    if self.features:
        features = ','.join(self.features)
        return f'{requirement}[{features}]'

    return requirement

build_environment(self, dependencies: list[str])

This should set up an isolated environment in which to build the project given a set of dependencies and must be a context manager:

with environment.build_environment([...]):

The build environment should reflect any environment variables the user defined either currently or at the time of creation.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def build_environment(self, dependencies: list[str]):
    This should set up an isolated environment in which to [`build`](../cli/ the project
    given a set of dependencies and must be a context manager:

    with environment.build_environment([...]):

    The build environment should reflect any
    [environment variables](
    the user defined either currently or at the time of
    with self.get_env_vars():


This raises an exception if the environment is not compatible with the user's setup. The default behavior checks for platform compatibility and any method override should keep this check.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def check_compatibility(self):
    This raises an exception if the environment is not compatible with the user's setup.
    The default behavior checks for [platform compatibility](../config/
    and any method override should keep this check.
    if self.platforms and not in self.platforms:
        raise OSError('unsupported platform')

construct_build_command(self, *, directory = None, targets = (), hooks_only = False, no_hooks = False, clean = False, clean_hooks_after = False, clean_only = False)

This is the canonical way build command options are translated to a subprocess command issued to builders.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def construct_build_command(
    This is the canonical way [`build`](../cli/ command options are translated to
    a subprocess command issued to [builders](
    command = ['python', '-u', '-m', 'hatchling', 'build', '--app']

    if directory:
        command.extend(('--directory', directory))

    if targets:
        for target in targets:
            command.extend(('--target', target))

    if hooks_only:

    if no_hooks:

    if clean:

    if clean_hooks_after:

    if clean_only:

    return command

construct_pip_install_command(self, args: list[str], verbosity = None)

A convenience method for constructing a pip install command with the given verbosity. The default verbosity is set to one less than Hatch's verbosity.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def construct_pip_install_command(self, args: list[str], verbosity=None):
    A convenience method for constructing a [`pip install`](
    command with the given verbosity. The default verbosity is set to one less than Hatch's verbosity.
    if verbosity is None:
        # Default to -1 verbosity
        verbosity = self.verbosity - 1

    command = ['python', '-u', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--disable-pip-version-check', '--no-python-version-warning']

    if verbosity < 0:
        command.append(f"-{'q' * abs(verbosity)}")
    elif verbosity > 0:
        command.append(f"-{'v' * abs(verbosity)}")


    return command



This should perform the necessary steps to set up the environment.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def create(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should perform the necessary steps to set up the environment.


A convenience method called after using the environment as a context manager:

with environment:
Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def deactivate(self):
    A convenience method called after using the environment as a context manager:

    with environment:

dependencies_in_sync(self) -> bool


This should indicate whether or not the environment is compatible with the current dependencies.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def dependencies_in_sync(self) -> bool:
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should indicate whether or not the environment is compatible with the current

enter_shell(self, name, path)

Spawn a shell within the environment.

The shell should reflect any environment variables the user defined either currently or at the time of creation.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def enter_shell(self, name, path):
    Spawn a [shell](../config/ within the environment.

    The shell should reflect any
    [environment variables](
    the user defined either currently or at the time of
    with self.get_env_vars():

exists(self) -> bool


This should indicate whether or not the environment has already been created.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def exists(self) -> bool:
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should indicate whether or not the environment has already been created.

finalize_command(self, command: str)

Called for every resolved command with the default behavior being equivalent to the standard library's os.path.expandvars.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def finalize_command(self, command: str):
    Called for every
    [resolved command](
    with the default behavior being equivalent to the standard library's
    return expandvars(command)



This should return information about how to locate the environment.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def find(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should return information about how to locate the environment.

get_build_process(self, build_environment, **kwargs)

This will be called when the build environment is active:

with environment.build_environment([...]) as build_environment:
    build_process = environment.get_build_process(build_environment, ...)

This should return the standard library's subprocess.Popen with all output captured by stdout. The command is constructed by passing all keyword arguments to construct_build_command.

For an example, open the default implementation below:

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def get_build_process(self, build_environment, **kwargs):
    This will be called when the
    [build environment](
    is active:

    with environment.build_environment([...]) as build_environment:
        build_process = environment.get_build_process(build_environment, ...)

    This should return the standard library's
    with all output captured by `stdout`. The command is constructed by passing all keyword arguments to

    For an example, open the default implementation below:
    return self.platform.capture_process(self.construct_build_command(**kwargs))

get_env_var_option(self, option: str) -> str

Returns the value of the upper-cased environment variable HATCH_ENV_TYPE_<PLUGIN_NAME>_<option>.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def get_env_var_option(self, option: str) -> str:
    Returns the value of the upper-cased environment variable `HATCH_ENV_TYPE_<PLUGIN_NAME>_<option>`.
    return os.environ.get(f'{AppEnvVars.ENV_OPTION_PREFIX}{self.PLUGIN_NAME}_{option}'.upper(), '')

get_env_vars(self) -> EnvVars

Returns a mapping of environment variables that should be available to the environment. The object can be used as a context manager to temporarily apply the environment variables to the current process.


The environment variable HATCH_ENV_ACTIVE will always be set to the name of the environment.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def get_env_vars(self) -> EnvVars:
    Returns a mapping of environment variables that should be available to the environment. The object can
    be used as a context manager to temporarily apply the environment variables to the current process.

    !!! note
        The environment variable `HATCH_ENV_ACTIVE` will always be set to the name of the environment.
    return EnvVars(self.env_vars, self.env_include, self.env_exclude)

get_option_types() -> dict staticmethod

Returns a mapping of supported options to their respective types so that they can be used by overrides.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def get_option_types() -> dict:
    Returns a mapping of supported options to their respective types so that they can be used by
    return {}



This should install the project in the environment.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def install_project(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should install the project in the environment.



This should install the project in the environment such that the environment always reflects the current state of the project.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def install_project_dev_mode(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should install the project in the environment such that the environment
    always reflects the current state of the project.

join_command_args(self, args: list[str])

This is used by the run command to construct the root command string from the received arguments.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def join_command_args(self, args: list[str]):
    This is used by the [`run`](../cli/ command to construct the root command string
    from the received arguments.
    return self.platform.join_command_args(args)



This should perform the necessary steps to completely remove the environment from the system and will only be triggered manually by users with the env remove or env prune commands.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def remove(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should perform the necessary steps to completely remove the environment from the system and will only
    be triggered manually by users with the [`env remove`](../cli/ or
    [`env prune`](../cli/ commands.

resolve_commands(self, commands: list[str])

This expands each command into one or more commands based on any scripts that the user defined. Each expanded command is then finalized.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def resolve_commands(self, commands: list[str]):
    This expands each command into one or more commands based on any
    [scripts](../config/ that the user defined.
    Each expanded command is then
    for command in commands:
        expanded_commands = self.expand_command(command)

        for expanded_command in expanded_commands:
            yield self.finalize_command(expanded_command)

run_shell_commands(self, commands: list[str])

This should yield the standard library's subprocess.CompletedProcess for each command. Additionally, the commands must first be resolved.

The command execution should reflect any environment variables the user defined either currently or at the time of creation.

For an example, open the default implementation below:

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def run_shell_commands(self, commands: list[str]):
    This should yield the standard library's
    for each command. Additionally, the commands must first be

    The command execution should reflect any
    [environment variables](
    the user defined either currently or at the time of

    For an example, open the default implementation below:
    with self.get_env_vars():
        for command in self.resolve_commands(commands):
            yield self.platform.run_command(command, shell=True)



This should install the dependencies in the environment.

Source code in hatch/env/plugin/
def sync_dependencies(self):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This should install the
    in the environment.

Last update: April 11, 2022