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Publisher plugins



See the documentation for publishing.


The publisher plugin name is pypi.

Flag Config name Description
-u/--user user The user with which to authenticate
-a/--auth auth The credentials to use for authentication
-r/--repo repo The repository with which to publish artifacts
repos A table of named repositories to their respective URLs

PublisherInterface (ABC)

Example usage:

from hatch.publish.plugin.interface import PublisherInterface

class SpecialPublisher(PublisherInterface):
    PLUGIN_NAME = 'special'
from hatchling.plugin import hookimpl

from .plugin import SpecialPublisher

def hatch_register_publisher():
    return SpecialPublisher
Source code in hatch/publish/plugin/
class PublisherInterface(ABC):
    Example usage:

    === ":octicons-file-code-16:"

        from hatch.publish.plugin.interface import PublisherInterface

        class SpecialPublisher(PublisherInterface):
            PLUGIN_NAME = 'special'

    === ":octicons-file-code-16:"

        from hatchling.plugin import hookimpl

        from .plugin import SpecialPublisher

        def hatch_register_publisher():
            return SpecialPublisher

    PLUGIN_NAME = ''
    """The name used for selection."""

    def __init__(self, app, root, cache_dir, project_config, plugin_config):
        self.__app = app
        self.__root = root
        self.__cache_dir = cache_dir
        self.__project_config = project_config
        self.__plugin_config = plugin_config

    def app(self):
        An instance of [Application](
        return self.__app

    def root(self):
        The root of the project tree as a path-like object.
        return self.__root

    def cache_dir(self):
        The directory reserved exclusively for this plugin as a path-like object.
        return self.__cache_dir

    def project_config(self) -> dict:
        === ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"


        === ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

        return self.__project_config

    def plugin_config(self) -> dict:
        This is defined in Hatch's [config file](../config/

        === ":octicons-file-code-16: config.toml"

        return self.__plugin_config

    def publish(self, artifacts: list[str], options: dict):
        :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

        This is called directly by the [`publish`](../cli/ command
        with the arguments and options it receives.


The name used for selection.

app property readonly

An instance of Application.

cache_dir property readonly

The directory reserved exclusively for this plugin as a path-like object.

plugin_config: dict property readonly

This is defined in Hatch's config file.


project_config: dict property readonly


root property readonly

The root of the project tree as a path-like object.

publish(self, artifacts: list[str], options: dict)


This is called directly by the publish command with the arguments and options it receives.

Source code in hatch/publish/plugin/
def publish(self, artifacts: list[str], options: dict):
    :material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:

    This is called directly by the [`publish`](../cli/ command
    with the arguments and options it receives.

Last update: December 29, 2021