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CLI usage


The amount of displayed output is controlled solely by the -v/--verbose (environment variable HATCH_VERBOSE) and -q/--quiet (environment variable HATCH_QUIET) root options.

The levels are documented here.

Project awareness

No matter the mode, Hatch will always change to the project's root directory for entering or running commands in environments.

Tab completion

Completion is achieved by saving a script and then executing it as a part of your shell's startup sequence.

Afterward, you'll need to start a new shell in order for the changes to take effect.

Save the script somewhere:

_HATCH_COMPLETE=bash_source hatch > ~/.hatch-complete.bash

Source the file in ~/.bashrc (or ~/.bash_profile if on macOS):

. ~/.hatch-complete.bash

Save the script somewhere:

_HATCH_COMPLETE=zsh_source hatch > ~/.hatch-complete.zsh

Source the file in ~/.zshrc:

. ~/.hatch-complete.zsh

Save the script in ~/.config/fish/completions:

_HATCH_COMPLETE=fish_source hatch > ~/.config/fish/completions/