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How to configure custom dynamic metadata

If you have project metadata that is not appropriate for static entry into pyproject.toml you will need to provide a custom metadata hook to apply such data during builds.


Dynamic metadata is a way to have a single source of truth that will be available at build time and at run time. Another way to achieve that is to enter the build data statically and then look up the same information dynamically in the program or package, using importlib.metadata.

If the version field is the only metadata of concern, Hatchling provides a few built-in ways such as the regex version source and also third-party plugins. The approach here will also work, but is more complex.

Update project metadata

Change the [project] section of pyproject.toml:

  1. Define the dynamic field as an array of all the fields you will set dynamically e.g. dynamic = ["version", "license", "authors", "maintainers"]
  2. If any of those fields have static definitions in pyproject.toml, delete those definitions. It is verboten to define a field statically and dynamically.

Add a section to trigger loading of dynamic metadata plugins: [tool.hatch.metadata.hooks.custom]. Use exactly that name, regardless of the name of the class you will use or its PLUGIN_NAME. There doesn't need to be anything in the section.

If your plugin requires additional third-party packages to do its work, add them to the requires array in the [build-system] section of pyproject.toml.

Implement hook

The dynamic lookup must happen in a custom plugin that you write. The default expectation is that it is in a file at the root of the project. Subclass MetadataHookInterface and implement update(); for example, here's plugin that reads metadata from a JSON file:

import json
import os

from hatchling.metadata.plugin.interface import MetadataHookInterface

class JSONMetaDataHook(MetadataHookInterface):
    def update(self, metadata):
        src_file = os.path.join(self.root, "gnumeric", ".constants.json")
        with open(src_file) as src:
            constants = json.load(src)
            metadata["version"] = constants["__version__"]
            metadata["license"] = constants["__license__"]
            metadata["authors"] = [
                {"name": constants["__author__"], "email": constants["__author_email__"]},
  1. You must import the MetadataHookInterface to subclass it.
  2. Do your operations inside the update method.
  3. metadata refers to project metadata.
  4. When writing to metadata, use list for TOML arrays. Note that if a list is expected, it is required even if there is a single element.
  5. Use dict for TOML tables e.g. authors.

If you want to store the hook in a different location, set the path option:

path = "some/"
path = "some/"